The perfect opportunity to learn about nutrition in a group coaching environment

This one-time purchase nutritional coaching course runs for 6 weeks. Resources will be sent out on a weekly basis, enabling you to build a habit of changing your nutrition sustainably. This course is ideal for those wanting to learn about nutritional habits and is suitable for those of all knowledge levels.


Topics covered in the 6 week course

Topic 1: Nutritional questionnaire/understanding goals
Topic 2: Energy balance and macronutrients
Topic 3: Micronutrients and hydration
Topic 4: Portion guide, counting calories and meal prep
Topic 5: Sleep and habitual habits


Nutritional coaching course breakdown

This course includes:

A consultation questionnaire prior to starting
Weekly online Zoom calls (which are recorded if you miss them)
Group working (groups of 4 to 5)
Group environment for support and accountability
WhatsApp group or closed Facebook group
Weekly check-in outside of session (via text or email)
Full support during your 6 weeks 


Nutritional course cost and enrolling

  • The course is only £60 per person
  • Group cost ranges from £240 to £300 per group, depending on group size
  • Course amount is due upfront

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